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To make sure you receive our free Special Needs Freedom Guide, follow the steps below.
Step 1. Check Your Email
Go to the inbox of the email address you just used to request the free report. If you do not see the email, wait 2-3 minutes and then check your spam folder. Please call us if for any reason you do not receive the email.
Step 2. Open The Email
Find the email that we just sent to you with your name in the subject line. Open the email and start reading the report. Over the next few days, we will be following up with a few additional helpful emails.
Step 3. Schedule With Us
Once you have read the report (or even if you haven’t), schedule your Planning Session to get started. You will start to feel at ease knowing you are doing the right thing by your family!
About blyss Cruz
Hello, I am your neighborhood Personal Family Lawyer.
What I know is that your legacy is about more than wills and trusts, and it is about more than money. As your trusted advisor, I help you make the very best legal decisions for your family with the kind of guidance usually reserved for only very high net worth individuals.
Our life and legacy planning model covers not just what happens with your assets, but sets you up to pass on what matters most to you: Your values. Your priorities. Your relationships. Your life. Your legacy.
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